Onion Shallots

Product Description
Shallots Onion diverse onion family probably originated in central Asia,
although onions now grow throughout the world.
Shallots Onions have a mild taste that combines the flavor of a sweet
onion with a touch of garlic.
Country style Shallots Onions by stuffed like a pepper and cooked
slowly in a casserole with tomato sauce.
Use Shallots Onion in pasta sauce, Shallots Onion provides a milder
flavor than onions do in a pasta sauce.
Top your favorite burger with Shallots Onion. The mild flavor of the Shallots Onion is great as it does not overpower the flavor of the burger itself.
Hence they pair well with butter, cream, citrus and vinegar. 
Health Benefits
Onion Shallots are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially folic
acid, sulfur, potassium, calcium and selenium.